Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.
A Theology of Culture | Part 1 – Series Intro
What is culture? Culture is part of the ‘natural habitat’ we inhabit daily as we live our lives, yet something - like the water fish swim in - that we seldom stop to seriously consider. It’s one of those words we throw around and assumes that...
ExeGreeksis | “A Higher Standard” – Matthew 5:21-32
The ΕχεGrεεκsις series of articles are meant for those who want to dig in deeper into the text beyond just a casual reading. It intends to pull back the curtain a little to see a bit of what goes on "behind the scenes" of translating our New...
Perseverance of the Saints | Eternal Security
You can listen to the second part of this series here. In this article series on the Doctrines of Grace (also know as the 5 Points of Calvinism or TULIP), we’ve covered man’s radical corruption in sin (Total Depravity), God’s sovereign choice in...
Irresistible Grace | Effectual Calling
You can listen to the second part of this series here. We’ve covered a lot in this series about the history of the Doctrines of Grace, the Radical Corruption of man’s sinfulness, the Sovereign Gracious Choice of God in salvation, and the...
Limited Atonement | Definite Redemption
You can listen to the second part of this series here. In our first article in this series, we introduced the history of the Doctrines of Grace (Five Points of Calvinism) and the aims of this series. Our second article looked at the doctrine of...
Unconditional Election | God’s Sovereign Choice
You can listen to the first part of this series here. In our last article, we considered the “T” in the TULIP of Total Depravity or our Radical Corruption by sin. In this article, we’ll take a look at Unconditional Election or God’s Sovereign...
Total Depravity | Humanity’s Radical Corruption
You can listen to the first part of this series here. In our first article in this series, we introduced a little of the history of the Doctrines of Grace, otherwise known as the Five Points of Calvinism. We sought to clarify some frequent...
The Doctrines of Grace (TULIP) | Series Introduction
You can listen to the first part of this series here. The Doctrines of Grace are some of the most beautiful truths of the Gospel that were clarified as a result of the Protestant Reformation. Many Christians have found them to deepen their...
The Pandemic & Our Public Dialogue
(A minor update to the article was done on Feb, 2022) This past year has brought some of the most stressful and confusing times for many of us. With the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic around late 2019, life seems to have changed so quickly for...
A Terrible Comfort | Nahum 1:1-8
A kid in high school was shocked when his uncle passed away so suddenly in his prime. He was telling a friend ,Jonny, how hard it was that it happened so suddenly. Then Jonny tells him, “oh, my uncle knew exactly what day and what time he...
Devotional Commentary | Romans 2
In the first entry of this Devotional Commentary, we took a look at chapter 1 of Paul's letter to the Romans. We considered some of the contexts of the letter, its structure and its purpose so that we can better understand the message Paul was...
The Dangers of Word Studies
Many of us have probably either seen or heard of word studies in the Bible. Perhaps it was a preacher telling you about how God’s "agape” love is special and distinct from all the other types of love in the Bible. Or maybe it was a Bible teacher...
Reformed Preacher Portraits | John Piper
The Reformed Preacher Portraits are a series of portraits of Christian preachers, teachers and authors who have significantly influenced and shaped my faith and understanding of Reformed doctrines. Not all of the men in this series are...
You Know What’s Best… or do you?
"Believe in yourself... Speak your truth... You know what's best… You do you." These are the slogans of our hyper-individualized secular culture. It is me-centered and self-focused. And why not, right? I mean, if I don’t look out for myself, who...
Revelation 13 | The Meaning of the Dragon, The Beast & the Mark
Revelation 13 finds itself right in the middle of a book which quite frankly scares many, even the most devout churchgoer. Its imagery of dragons, multiheaded beasts and speaking images is enough to make most shrug and exclaim, “that was weird!”...