Here is everything we got (so far) on

The Importance of Forming a Christian Worldview (Part 3)

The Importance of Forming a Christian Worldview (Part 3)

This last article in this series considers now how do we form a distinctly Christian worldview. This is part of the “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” from the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) that Jesus gave to us. This implies the formation of a distinctly Biblical and...

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Why Trust the Bible? (Basic Apologetics Part 2)

Why Trust the Bible? (Basic Apologetics Part 2)

Why trust the Bible? Both Christians and non-Christians ask this question, and we should be equipped to give a clear and compelling answer. In the first article, we looked at the question of “How do we give an answer?” and saw that our answer must be Biblical, Simple and Conversational. We defined...

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10 Biblical Marks of a Fool

10 Biblical Marks of a Fool

Listen to an audio version of this article here: Wisdom is so vital to life. History is riddled with examples of people who have wasted their lives and lived foolishly. As I grow older, the more I realize the importance of wisdom and avoiding the way of folly. As I contemplated this, I remembered...

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The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness

The Anti-Gospel of Wokeness

You can listen to this article here. In our last article, we defined wokeness and showed the danger of it infiltrating the Church today. What we are seeing is the outworking of a new religion displacing the old Christendom upon which our societies were built. As our societies have secularized, a...

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