Every Christian is a theologian. The question is whether if they are a good one or not. Our theology inevitably impacts every area of our lives (either consciously or unconsciously) – even our creativity – so it is important for creatives and Christians in general to think deeply about their theological beliefs.
Kingdom Building: Recovering the Biblical Blueprint for Godly Dominion If you prefer to listen on audio, you can do that below or on APPLE or SPOTIFY. CLICK HERE to download the worksheet for the session. Below you will find my notes for this lecture which includes content I had to skip...
The Duty of Courage and Damnable Sin of Cowardice
Sometimes, those who think they are courageous, aren't, and those who think they're not cowards, are. Courage is a Christian duty that is often neglected and cowardice is a damnable sin that is often committed. To Kill a Mockingbird has a great...
My Top Podcast & Books for Christian Men
Podcasts and books are a great way for Christians men to grow in their knowledge and faith. I get asked for recommendations frequently, so here are a few to check out. Now, this list may enrage some of the soyboys or nuance bros out there who never...
The Climate Change Cult | Its Lies, Worldview and Politics
G.K. Chesterton once said, “The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians...
The Grave is Speaking, Are You Listening? (A Funeral Message)
This is a message that I delivered for my grandmother's funeral from the story of Lazarus in John 11:17–44. Funerals are a sober time and opportunity for us to reflect on death, life and how to live in light of the grave. I pray that it would be...
3 Unusual Healings | A Greek Exegesis Of Matthew 7:28-8:17
In this series of Greek exegesis articles, we take a passage of the New Testament and analyse the Greek to see what insights we can draw from the text that may not be obvious in our English translations. These articles tend to be a bit more...
Big Eva, COVID Compromise and the Great Reshuffle
Many influential leaders within Evangelicalism’s largest organizations (a.k.a. Big Eva) have compromised on several important issues in recent times. Issues such as Critical Social Justice, LBGTQ and gender roles, a failure to uphold the Lordship...
Postmillennialism: A List of the Best Books and Resources
Here is a list of my top books and resources on Postmillennialism for those who are curious or new to it, learning more about it, or just seeking some more content. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of the Optimistic Eschatology...
8 Important Lessons from Nazi Germany for Christians Today
Nazi Germany stands out in history as a horrific and grizzly reminder of the depths of depravity that humanity can reach. The Second World War was the largest and deadliest conflict in history with total worldwide death estimates between at least...
“What We Treasure” | A Greek Exegesis of Matthew 6:16–24
This is a continuation of my ExeGreeksis series working through the translation and Greek exegesis of selected texts from Matthew's Gospel. The reader may want to go back and read the previous articles in this series as they do build on each other....
Important Must Know Pro-Life Abortion Resources for Christians
Abortion is one of the most evil attrocities of our present age. We must stand against it with truth and compassion. Yet many Christians today don't have a consistent Biblical view on the topic of abortion. Many simply have taken the cultural...
The Importance of Forming a Christian Worldview (Part 3)
This last article in this series considers now how do we form a distinctly Christian worldview. This is part of the “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” from the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) that Jesus gave to us. This...
Why Trust the Bible? (Basic Apologetics Part 2)
Why trust the Bible? Both Christians and non-Christians ask this question, and we should be equipped to give a clear and compelling answer. In the first article, we looked at the question of “How do we give an answer?” and saw that our answer must...
Basic Apologetics – How To Give An Answer (Part 1)
Apologetics is the study of how to give an answer for your faith. This is the first of a 3-part introductory course on Biblical Apologetics and Worldview. Here are the articles in this series: Apologetics 101 - How do we give an answer? Apologetics...
Eschatology Matters | Why Your View of the End Times Affects Today
You can also listen to this article on the podcast. The topic of eschatology - the study of last things - is an area of theology that is often considered highly controversial, debatable and divisive. It is true that many people can be adamantly and...