
060 | When is it right to leave a church? | Theological Triage

THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
THEOTIVITY | Theology, Creativity & Culture
060 | When is it right to leave a church? | Theological Triage

In many Evangelical churches, people are leaving or switching churches over various issues, some of which are theological. People were wrestling with a lot of cultural issues over the past 3 years and it has caused a lot of Christians to re-examine their beliefs in certain doctrines and pertinent areas of theology.

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It seems like all of a sudden, people are talking about things like Theonomy, Patriarchalism, Postmillennialism, Sphere Sovereignty, Christian Nationalism, how to live under tyranny, what is the proper role of the church in society, religious freedom, conscience issues, the role of civil government, Cultural Marxism, Wokeness, and a whole host of other issues.

In this episode, we’ll be taking a look at a framework for Christians to think about these issues and determine their priority. We’ll also consider whether or not it is something they should divide or switch churches over, and how to do so in a spirit of grace and brotherly affection.


📚 Recommended resources (affiliate links):

✅ Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund – https://amzn.to/3Rb2zk2

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