With Feminism, the “Red-Pill” movement, and all the gender confusion happening in our societies today, how should Christian men understand God’s design for the sexes?
In this episode, we interview Michael Foster, the author of the book “It’s Good To Be A Man” and pastor of East River Church, about the topic of Biblical Patriarchy. We explore some insights about the book, the differences between the Complementarian Movement and Biblical Patriarchy, and some of the important differences between men and women. We also consider if there should be a difference between how pastors preach to men versus women, how to safeguard against some of the excesses of the “red-pill” movement in the “man-o-sphere”, and what is the Biblical definition of “effeminacy”. Foster also lets us know about a new project he has been working on.
Don’t miss this episode!
Wach on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/UmPkP-xIv78
📕 BUY THE BOOK HERE: https://amzn.to/46nZ4uK
📕 BUY THE STUDY GUIDE: https://amzn.to/460qbMZ
📕 Masculine Christianity: https://amzn.to/48qhE7l
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